Humans/humanoids/Fantasy humanoid characters
Couples and ships of any gender
Soft NSFW (sexy/suggestive/revealing characters)
Furries/anthros and ponies
Hateful art, gore and fetishes
Pornography and NSFW
Mecha art
Prices are subject to change based on demand.
I have the right to reject any order for any reason.
Commissions are not for Commercial use (Personal use only).
I reserve the right to post the commissioned artwork online, in my portfolio as well as in publications such as art books.
2. payment
Currency accepted is either USD or euro.
Commissions can be paid either 100% upfront or split 50% upfront and 50% after sketch approval.
Don't send me any payment before I have agreed to give you a slot and requested you to send me the payment.
Commissions will take 1-5 days depending on waitlist and commission type
Once the piece is finished you will receive the full-resolution image along with a web-friendly size.
4. revisions
You get 3 rounds of changes on the commissioned piece included in the price.
A fee will be added if you want something changed on the final drawing or after the 3 rounds - unless a misunderstanding from my side has been made.
If you wish for me to change something in the drawing you have previously approved, I will charge you a fee to change it. The amount of the extra charge depends on the change you want me to make and is usually based on an hourly wage.